Azure AD Connect Errors
The Azure AD Connect is installed on Scripts01
There are 2 pieces of software that are important to use. The first is Azure AD Connect this is for setting up the sync and making changes to the OUs that are sync'd to Azure. The next is Synchronization Service this is where you can find what are causing errors for the syncs.
If there are issues with syncing users the main issue is caused by this issue AttributeValueMustBeUnique, open the details on the page and if it is the userprinciplename or Proxy address use the following instructions to fix.

- Open admin powershell
- Import-Module ActiveDirectory
If not installed run Install-Module MSOnline
Run the following commands
- $guid = (Get-ADUser -Identity UserWithIssue).ObjectGUID
- $immutableid=[System.Convert]::ToBase64String($guid.tobytearray())
- Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName UserWithIssueEmail -ImmutableId $immutableid